Knowledge Base

"Show on Map" feature

Jenny Takahara, February 12, 2025
Note: To access the Show-on-Map feature in the list view, the address field must be visible as a column or in the detail view of an item.

Pipedrive is integrated with Google Maps to allow you to visualize deals and contacts on a map according to their address fields.

The Show on Map feature will geo-locate addresses in the default organization address field and any address type, custom fields under deals, organizations, or people.

Viewing geo-located addresses

Clicking on any geo-located address in the list or detail view will bring up a Google Maps window showing you the selected address plotted on a map. From here, you can zoom in or out and choose to view the location in the default or satellite setting, similar to how you would use the Google Maps app.

Viewing nearby organizations

To see organizations nearby the one you select, you can adjust the filter at the bottom of the map to see all organizations within a certain amount of miles or kilometers.

Location filtering

When in the list view, you can create filters for addresses that fulfill certain conditions for reporting purposes. For example, if you want to filter for all organizations with addresses in Illinois, you would apply this filter to your list view:

You can then click on "..." > Show on Map to get a report of your filtered addresses on the Google maps window.

Note: The Show on Map feature will show up to 100 addresses by default. If you have more than 100 addresses, first scroll to the bottom of your list to load all of your organizations before clicking "Show on Map".

Google Maps is also integrated with the Pipedrive mobile app for when you're on the go. Look at our Nearby feature article for more information.

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