Knowledge Base

Calendar view

Breandan Flood, March 11, 2025
Note: You can only view one user’s calendar at a time in the calendar view.

The calendar view is a helpful tool for tracking your activities, keeping your sales moving and making sure you get those all-important wins.

Where to find it

To open your calendar view, go to your Activities and click the calendar button.

You can see your scheduled activities in a calendar format, aligned with their scheduled dates and times.

Adding an activity

To add an activity to your calendar view, hover your cursor over the top of any day column and select “Click to add.”

Or you can click the spot on your calendar where you want to schedule the activity.

The “+ Activity” button in the top left corner can also be used to add new activities.

Editing an activity

Click an activity in your calendar view to open a window displaying its basic information.

You can edit the activity, mark it as done or click the trash can icon to delete it.

You can also change an activity’s due date and time by dragging and dropping it on the preferred day and time.

Filtering in the calendar view

You have several options for filtering from the calendar view.

Date filters

You can choose the week displayed by your calendar using the dropdown or lateral selection tools.

Ownership filters

You can filter for ownership using the dropdown in the top right corner.

Activity type filters

On the left side of your calendar you have a list of your default, custom and integration-based activity types.

Click on one or more icons to filter them out of your calendar view.

Note: Click “All” to filter out every activity type. This will make your calendar appear empty until you filter one or more activity types back in.
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