Knowledge Base

How can I change my language or date/number format?

Jenny Takahara, November 13, 2024

If you wish to change the language or date/number format in Pipedrive, go to Personal preferences > Account.

Here you will find the two fields in question – ”Date/number format” and ”Language”.


The "Date/number format" field changes the way that certain fields are formatted in Pipedrive:

  • Numbers (for example, 1,0 for German, 1.0 for English)
  • Numbered date format (here’s the date in English format, for example 29/09/2024 for British English, 09/29/2024 for American English)
  • Week starting date (for example, Europe considers Monday the beginning of the week, while the United States, Canada and Australia begin on Sunday.)

The language field allows you to choose what language is used to display your Pipedrive account.

Each user can choose the language in which they wish their Pipedrive to be displayed without affecting the display language of other users in the Pipedrive account.

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