Smart Bcc
To streamline your email process, we suggest upgrading to Pipedrive’s Advanced, Professional, Power or Enterprise plan.
For more information about how Pipedrive mail works alongside your other information, check out this article.
How does it work?
With our Smart Bcc function, you can manually forward individual email threads from your email provider into your Pipedrive inbox. Then, you can link the thread to any relevant deals, leads, projects or people contacts in your Pipedrive account.
To use your Smart Bcc, go to Settings > Email sync > Smart Bcc and click ”copy“ next to your address.

Once copied, you can paste the link into the Bcc section of any email sent or forwarded from your email provider.

A copy of the Bcc’d email appears in the inbox under the Mail tab of your Pipedrive account after the email is sent out.

Any replies received from your customers will need to be forwarded to that same universal Bcc address in order to appear in your Pipedrive inbox.
Linking items
Linking emails to deals and contacts gives you a clear picture of the ongoing conversations from the detail view of the person and the deal.
If the address used to forward an email is linked to a contact person in Pipedrive, the email being forwarded will be linked to that contact person.

You can also manually create a new lead, deal, project or contact person for an email, or link it to an existing one.
To do this, open up the email in your inbox and choose to find an existing item or create a new one in the window on the right side.

What if you want your emails linked to items automatically?
The Link emails to Pipedrive items option automatically links a forwarded email to leads, deals and projects connected to that email address.
To set up automatic linking to items in your Pipedrive account, go to Personal preferences > Email sync > General settings and toggle the setting on.

Alternate email addresses for Smart Bcc
You can use the Smart Bcc link to forward emails to your Pipedrive account with addresses other than your account email.
To add an alternate email address, go to Personal preferences > Email sync > Smart Bcc emails are accepted from.

Enter your preferred email address into the bar and click “add.”
Validating the alternative email address
After you add an alternate email address, a confirmation email is sent to that address which must be verified before the new address can be used.
Once validated, emails forwarded to the company-specific universal Bcc from that email address will show up in the Pipedrive inbox of the Pipedrive user who added that email address as an alternative email address.
Email sharing
When forwarding emails to your Pipedrive account, you may want your teammates or other users in your Pipedrive account to have the ability to see the emails too.
Sharing individual emails
To allow other users to see a public email conversation, set any individual emails to “Share within your company” in your inbox.

Sharing emails as a rule
You can also change the default shared settings of your emails.
Go to Personal preferences > Email sync > Default email sharing and select “Shared.”

Deal and lead specific Bcc
Each lead and deal in your company Pipedrive account has its own unique Bcc address, and you can forward an email into your account and link it to a specific one by pasting the lead or deal-specific bcc address into the Bcc field of an email.
You can find the deal specific address in the detail view of any deal, in the Smart Bcc side panel.

You can find the lead specific address in the bottom left corner of any lead's contextual view.

Note: If you delete a linked email from the Mail tab of your Pipedrive, it will no longer appear in the detail view of that associated deal.
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