Knowledge Base

User overview

Jenny Takahara, November 13, 2024
Note: Only global admins or users with the correct permissions active can see other users’ overviews.

Your User overview is a page where you can see your updates, notifications and the users and data you follow in Pipedrive.

Where to find it

To access your User overview, go to company settings > User overview.

You can see your basic info like name, email and your last log-in date, as well as navigate to different parts of your account.

You can also see your followers using the drop-down in the top right corner.

Note: If you have Global permissions access, you can see other users’ overviews by clicking the down arrow next to your name in the top left corner.

Live data

Your overview gives you a live feed of new, relevant information under three different categories.


Note: You can see up to 40 of the latest updates.

See updates for items you own, including ones that were just created or recently edited.


View any deals, contacts or users you follow, and select ”unfollow“ to remove them from your followed items.


Check for incoming news or info regarding your account data, including:

  • Analytics and tips (from our Sales Assistant)
  • New info about emails you‘re tracking
  • Updates on items you follow or those assigned to you

You can also click the ”more“ drop-down to see additional information, like if you’ve been tagged in mentions or comments.

Note: You can view and adjust your notifications in your Sales Assistant. For more information about configuring your Sales Assistant, check out this article.
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