Knowledge Base

Academy courses
Video Tutorials

What is Pipedrive Learn?

Steven Reinartz, May 29, 2024

Pipedrive offers a variety of courses, tutorials and webinars in addition to the Knowledge Base that you can use to learn more about all that we offer.

And you can find all of these at Pipedrive Learn.

Academy courses

Our Academy has a wealth of learning content, including:

Note: If you’re just beginning your Pipedrive journey, or want a refresher on the core tools, you can check out our Getting Started course in both English and Spanish.

Video Tutorials

If you’re looking for shorter videos about specific features, we have a library of tutorials about lead generation, automations, integrated apps and everything in between.

We even offer videos in multiple languages:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Portuguese
Note: Not all videos are available in every language.


We also have a variety of live and on-demand webinars.

Live Webinars

These webinars take place at scheduled times and are broadcast live, so you can learn from instructors in real time about everything from features to best practices for using Pipedrive.

On-demand webinars

These are pre-recorded webinars that you can view at any time, and they cover a similar range of topics as the live webinars.

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