Email templates
Email templates are one of the easiest ways to save time as a salesperson by streamlining the process of emailing clients.
Templates are available to users who have set up the email sync. To add and customize templates, go to the Email tab of your Pipedrive account and click Compose > Choose template below the email subject.
Email templates can also be sent or edited from the Send email prompt of any detail view in your deals and contacts.

In addition to Pipedrive’s sample templates, you can create your own by typing an email in the composer and clicking “Choose templates” and “Save draft as a template.”

Clicking on the "Manage templates" button will allow you to edit any existing templates and adjust the order in which they appear in the template dropdown.

Your email templates are set for your company Pipedrive account, meaning they can be set as private or shared in your company. In the Manage email templates window, a lock next to the name of a templated email means it has been made private.
Merge fields
Email templates can use the specific information associated with your deals, contacts and organizations to automatically fill out specific field information when sending your templated emails.
Click on the “Insert field” button in the Send email promo, and select the Pipedrive field you wish to insert – like Name or Owner – to insert that value into your email.

Any custom fields you have created in your company Pipedrive account will also appear as fields that can be inserted into your emails.
For Pipedrive to provide contact person or organization field information, the email must be sent to an existing person or organization in your Pipedrive account.
Similarly, for Pipedrive to provide correct deal field information, the email must be associated with an existing deal before the email is sent.
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