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Knowledge Base/Features/Automations/Automations: history

Automations: history

Steven Reinartz, November 13, 2024
Note: The Automations feature is available on Advanced and higher plans.

When working with automations, you often have a lot going on in the background, and it can be difficult to keep track of everything your automations are doing.

The automation history feature lets you view a record of the actions performed by your automations.

Where to find the automation history

To find your automation history, go to Automations > History.

You can also view a specific automation’s history by clicking “View History” when opening an automation.

What is the status of your automation?

When viewing your automation executions, there are four possible statuses that you might see:

StatusWhen is it shown?
All automation steps were executed successfully.
An automation step failed when trying to be executed (e.g., action failed due to lack of permissions or connectivity issues).
An automation step is pending execution – this is very common when a delay step is added (e.g., on the first day of a three-day delay).

This can also be normal when an automation takes a bit longer to be processed (e.g., an email being sent).

An execution can’t be processed, but not because of a failure with the automation. This is typically caused by:
  • A condition step in an automation that was not met
  • Too many automation executions in a short window of time, which triggers our system protection limit
  • An automation with a delayed action was deactivated before the action could be completed
Note: Executions that don’t meet the conditions’ criteria will be discarded and not shown in the execution list.

How to check the details of a given automation’s execution

Note: You can only see executions from automations you created.

Once you’re in the automation history tab, you can click on any of your listed executions to see a timeline detailing the steps performed for the automation, as well as timestamps for when these steps occurred:

In the case of a failed or stopped automation, you’ll be able to see where the automation stopped.

If you click on that step, the sidebar view will show what caused the failure:

As well as which conditions were recognized successfully if multiple conditions are being considered:

In this example, the first condition was not satisfied and shows as false. The second condition, however, shows as true, meaning the automation was able to run successfully.

Reasons for automation failures

There are a variety of reasons why you may experience errors related to your automation, which can be explained in your automation history:

ReachedRateLimitMaximum frequency limit reachedMaximum automation execution frequency limit reached.
FailedWrongDataInvalid dataThere was a problem with the data used in the automation execution.
FailedUserInactiveInactive userUser is inactive.
FailedUnknownUnidentified execution errorSomething went wrong.
FailedPermissionsInsufficient permissionsThe user executing the automation doesn’t have sufficient permissions.
FailedMaxRetriesMaximum retry limit reachedMaximum number of automation execution retries reached.
FailedCompanyInactiveInactive companyCompany is inactive.
FailedActionQueuePushUnidentified execution errorSomething went wrong.
FailedActionCreationInvalid dataThere was a problem with the data used in the automation execution.

In the case of some errors, you’ll be able to verify the source of the error by checking the data in your account.

For example, if you receive the error FailedUserInactive, you can check your manage users settings to verify that the user in question is inactive.

Note: Historical execution data is kept for 15 days. However, for automation with delay steps, the executions are kept for the total delay period configured in the automation. (Ex. if the automation has a two-day delay step, the automation’s history will be kept for 17 days.)
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