Campaigns: company account review
To ensure that you have the best inbox delivery experience using our Campaigns tool, we do service quality maintenance. One essential step of this maintenance is company reviews, which are regularly done to make sure that our users do not use prohibited content and poor-quality contact emails.

When will an account review be triggered for me?
There are two types of account review: mandatory review and optional review.
Mandatory review
You will receive a mandatory review request after emails are sent out to a certain number of unique contact email addresses. This number will depend on how many subscribed contacts you have sent your campaigns to. When this number exceeds a limit, your emails will be paused until your account review is completed (up to 24 hours after the form is submitted).
Optional review
An account review is also essential to purchasing Campaigns after your Campaigns trial period. Throughout the duration of the Campaigns trial, you can submit the account review form proactively (i.e., not wait until a mandatory review is triggered).
To do so, click "Learn more" in the bottom left of your campaigns section.

In this case, you can continue to send emails while your account review is completed (up to 24 hours after the form is submitted). Submitting the optional review also enables you to purchase Campaigns immediately after the trial, without any delay.
What is the account review process?
The review form will contain the following questions:
- How were your email contacts collected?
- Have you done email marketing before?

The submitted form will then be sent to our email compliance team. After your review is confirmed, the account admin will receive an email notification and any paused campaigns will be sent automatically.
What if my account cannot be reviewed?
To maintain quality deliverability infrastructure, we need to follow industry best practices, standards, terms and rules.
If your account can not be successfully reviewed, we have reason to believe that your planned campaign send-out may harm your service reputation and affect email deliverability quality to other companies.
If your account cannot be successfully reviewed, our email compliance team will refuse your account review or advise you with practices to comply with.
To avoid account review refusal you must comply with Pipedrive Campaigns anti-spam policy and you may not use prohibited content as described under Pipedrive Terms of Use.
If you are violating our Pipedrive Terms of Use, we have reason to restrict access to your Pipedrive Campaigns account.
Why is an account review needed?
We want to maintain a service that successfully delivers emails into inboxes. To do so, we need to make sure that your email campaign content is not suspicious, which means your receivers will not mark received messages as spam or phishing.
If we skip this review process and accept senders automatically, the quality rate of the Campaigns infrastructure may drop, and sent emails will end up in spam folders or come back as blocked.
Can I use Campaigns while my account review is in progress?
If you are under an optional review, then you can use every functionality available in your account. There are no restrictions in case of an optional review.
If you are under a mandatory review, then you can use every functionality available in your account while your account is paused for reviews, except for sending out new email campaigns.
Is review a repeated process?
Yes. When you are adding more new contacts, we may ask you to fulfill review questions again about your newly added email contacts.
I have a time-sensitive campaign that I need to send out. What can I do?
Any outgoing campaigns will be paused during the review process and resumed after account approval. If you need to cancel time-sensitive campaigns click on the More “[...]” button and then "Cancel”.
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