How are deals ordered in the pipeline view?
Pipedrive is designed to help you close deals through activity-based pipeline functions, but it’s also flexible, so you can work however’s best for you.
That’s why there’s a default sorting method for deals, and the option to select your preferred sorting method.
Default deal sorting
The pipeline view helps you keep track of your activities by organizing your deals based on the priority of that deal’s next-scheduled activity.
So deals that require immediate attention are moved to the top of your pipeline columns.

Deals in the pipeline view with default sorting are displayed in the following order:
- Deals with a red icon have an overdue activity. This activity should be marked as “Done” (if already completed) so you can schedule another activity and continue working to close that deal.
- Deals with a green icon have an activity scheduled for later today, so you can see which deals require your attention soon. Make sure to complete the necessary task and mark it as done when completed.
- Deals with a yellow icon don’t have an activity scheduled. We suggest scheduling an activity so you can track it and work toward closing that deal.
- Deals with a grey icon have an activity scheduled in the future. They’re lower in your pipeline view since you have more time to finish them.
Multiple deals sharing a certain activity status (e.g., two deals with no planned activities) are sorted in descending order of their creation time, with the newest deals showing first.
Custom deal sorting
If you’re looking for options outside of the default sorting method, you can click the “Sort by“ dropdown on the right side of your pipeline view:

We offer the following fields for sorting your pipeline tiles:
- Deal title
- Deal value
- Linked person
- Linked organization
- Expected close date
- Deal created
- Deal update time
- Done activities
- Activities to do
- Number of products
- Owner name
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