What if Pipedrive Support is not available in the app?
If you can't see the "Talk to us" button in the help center, it's likely caused by the privacy settings in your browser. Some browsers – such as Firefox in Private Browsing Mode – have privacy modes, as well as some browser extensions such as uBlock, Ghostery, Adblock and NoScript may prevent chat from loading.
This means you're not able to get in touch with the app, which means we can't give you the best support we can.
To access in-app chat, please either whitelist Pipedrive or use a browser that doesn't have privacy mode enabled by default.
If you do this and are still unable to see the button in the gif below, please get in touch via email to [email protected] explaining your issue and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible!
If you can see the below button, please follow these steps to get in touch.

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