Knowledge Base

Pipedrive integration: Slack

Jenny Takahara, March 20, 2025
Note: For more information about Pipedrive's integration with Slack, check out this page.

Pipedrive’s integration with Slack lets you share deal and contact data to create and automate Slack posts with Pipedrive actions.

Installing the Slack integration

Note: You must have an existing Slack account to install the integration with Pipedrive.

Go to Tools and apps > Marketplace apps and click ”Explore marketplace.“

Search Slack and select ”Dealbot for Slack,“ then click ”Install now“ on the integration page.

After you go through the authorization flow, you‘ll see the integration among your marketplace apps.

Slack integration settings

From your marketplace apps section, you can click the ”...“ to the right of your Slack integration to view additional options.


Decide which Slack channels your updates are sent to, as well as which actions trigger Dealbot updates.

View app info

See the marketplace page for the app, including a list of external resources to help you get the most out of it.

App authorization

Read the list of the agreed-upon access permissions Slack has to your Pipedrive account.


Note: For more information about setting up automations with Slack, check out this guide.

In addition to the actions you can set up in your integration settings, Pipedrive also offers Slack options through our automation tool.


If you’re new to automations, or you’re just looking for a basic setup, go to Automations > Templates > Slack to see the available options.

Custom automations

If you‘re creating an automation, you can access Slack options in the action step.

Note: If you choose ”send channel a message,“ you‘ll have to select a channel in the automation editor. If you choose ”send direct message,” the message is sent to the Dealbot by Pipedrive channel.
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