

Jenny Takahara, November 13, 2024
Note: A participant is not formally linked to a deal the way a primary contact person is, and won’t appear in the list view or Insights reports.

In Pipedrive, a deal can only have one linked contact person at a time. However, if a deal has more than one contact person related to ongoing processes, you can add these additional people as participants.

To add participants, go to the Participants section of a deal detail view and click the “+ Participant.”

Note: You can also add participants in bulk using spreadsheet importing, which you can learn more about in this article.

That will open a window where you can search for an existing contact person to add as a participant, or create a new person to add.

The new participant will appear in the Participants section of the detail view sidebar, and you can click “View All” to see a list view of the participants linked to that deal.

You can also click the gear icon in that window to customize the displayed fields.

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