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How can I customize my pipeline stages?

Jenny Takahara, March 11, 2025
Note: This action is only available to users with deals admin permissions.

Pipedrive comes with a basic sales pipeline that outlines a straightforward sales flow. As deals move through these stages, you’re given a visual overview of where your items are in the sales process.

However, you can add stages and customize the titles of those stages, creating a pipeline unique to your sales process.

Note: You can also set up multiple pipelines with their own unique stages.

Tips on how to come up with stages for your company

  • Use the past indefinite tense
    Ex. “Meeting Agreed” instead of just “Meeting.”
  • Create stages that correspond to the customers’ buying process
    What would their buying process look like? What has to happen in order for them to buy from you?
  • Revise your stages later
    If some stages seem confusing, you can rename them, delete them or add new ones for clarity.
Note: Learn the nine essential sales stages for effective sales cycle management in this blog post.

How to edit your pipeline stages

Go to the pipeline view and click the pencil icon to the right of the pipeline name.

From here, you can edit stage attributes like name, probability and rotting days.

You can also add a new stage using the “+” or delete a stage by clicking“Delete Stage” at the bottom of the screen.

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