Knowledge Base

Read-only fields

Steven Reinartz, November 13, 2024
Note: This feature is only available on Professional and higher plans.

Creating custom fields is a great way to log data specific to your business, but maybe not every user on your team needs to change every field.

With read-only fields, you can make custom field data visible to users without them being able to edit it.

Where to find it

Note: Editing permissions can’t be applied to formula fields since solutions are calculated automatically.

When creating or editing a custom field, you can use the editing options to select which users can edit it based on permission sets.

In the list view of your fields, you can see which fields have editing restrictions and hover over the icons to see which users have access.

How it looks

Here’s a quick guide to how field access looks in different parts of Pipedrive.

Detail view

User type
Appearance in detail view
Regular user
Edit button is greyed out, and hovering over it shows a note, “This is a read-only field.”
Regular user
Field is accessible for editing.
Deals admin
Edit button is crossed out, and clicking on it shows a note, “This is a read-only field. To edit the data, make the field editable in field setup.” Click “in field setup” to navigate to the field editing screen,
Deals admin
Field is accessible for editing.

Field management view

On the field management page, you can tell who can view a field based on the symbol alongside it.

  • A crossed-out pencil means the field is restricted to all users
  • A pencil with a number means that number of users can edit the field, and you can hover your cursor over the number to see which ones.
  • No symbol means any user can edit the field

List view

Note: Read-only fields only apply to the lead, deal, contact and activity list views.

When a read-only field is made into a visible column in the list view, the pencil icon for editing will be greyed out.

This also applies to bulk editing, where the dropdown menu for inaccessible read-only fields will be greyed out.


The goal of this feature is to reduce user error and avoid disrupting the existing integrations, automations, webforms and imports on the account.

For that reason, the following can't be achieved with read-only fields:

  • workflow automation that changes a read-only field

  • Webforms that allow end-user data into read-only fields

  • conversion of data from leads into read-only fields

  • data import into read-only fields

  • editing on mobile devices
Note: If you need assistance with your fields, or you're unsure whether a function isn't working due to limitations, please contact our support team.
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