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Why double opt-in?
How to start
Viewing your double opt-in marketing contacts

Campaigns: double opt-in marketing contacts

Steven Reinartz, November 2, 2023
Note: Campaigns by Pipedrive is available as a paid add-on.

With Campaigns, you can create and manage double opt-in status contacts. Double opt-ins, also known as confirmed opt-ins, are contacts that have confirmed their subscription after clicking on a confirmation link sent to them via email.

Why double opt-in?

Using double opt-in reduces the likelihood that your contacts will mark your campaigns as spam or that the campaign itself will be marked as spam.

Additionally, gaining explicit consent for marketing emails is required by law for European contacts. Moreover, companies must be able to provide proof that the user has consented to the processing of the data when asked. Some European countries (e.g., Germany) recommend double opt-in rather of single opt-in to provide such proof.

With Pipedrive's double opt-in solution, you can maintain a better quality email list for marketing campaigns.

How to start

To send out a double opt-in request (DOI request), start by clicking on any of your contacts' detail view.

In the marketing section, next to double opt-in, you will see a "Send request" button:

Note: You can only send DOI requests to contacts with one of the following marketing statuses: subscribed, no consent or unsubscribed.

Once clicking on the Send request” button, you will see a preview window with additional details such as the sender email, recipient email and the message:

Once a double opt-in request message is sent, the marketing status will be changed to "Pending double opt-in".

Note: You can change the "Pending double opt-in" status back to "Subscribed" or "Unsubscribed". However, if you do that, the double opt-in request will be pulled.

You can send up to 100 DOI requests per day to subscribed/interested contacts. However, and to protect and warm up our email delivery infrastructure reputation for inbox delivery, you can only send one double opt-in request at a time, meaning you can't send them in bulk.

We recommend not sending DOI requests to uninterested/unsubscribed contacts.

Note: You need to have access to Campaigns with the “Send campaigns” permission enabled to send out double opt-in request emails, as well as to have the default sender added and verified.

Viewing your double opt-in marketing contacts

To see how many double opt-in contacts you have next to your single opt-in contacts, navigate to Contacts > Person page, click on "Settings" and enable "Double opt-in".

You will then see a double opt-in column next to the marketing status column:

In the double opt-in column, there are two types of statuses:

  • "Confirmed" means the contact has confirmed their subscription through DOI request.
  • "Not Confirmed" means the contact has either not accepted a double opt-in subscription or not received a double opt-in request email at all.

When creating an email campaign, you can also create a filter if you want the campaign to be sent only to contacts that are either double opt-in or single opt-in.

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