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Automations: date triggers FAQ

Yssel Salas, November 13, 2024
Note: Time triggers are currently in beta and available to a closed group of users. It will be released to more users at a later date. This functionality is part of the Automations feature, which is only available on Advanced and higher plans.

Can I stop the execution of a date-trigger automation?

A date trigger automation searches for matching records daily at the configured time, and will trigger if matches are found.

To stop it from triggering on any particular day, deactivate it before the defined execution time for all users for whom the automation has been enabled.

  • If it is re-enabled before that time, it will be triggered the same day

  • If it is re-enabled after that time, it will be triggered the next day if matching records are found

If the date trigger automation contains delay steps, you can stop the execution of any individual executions from the History tab using the cancel execution button.

What happens if I delete a custom field?

If there are date-trigger automations configured with a custom date field that is deleted, the automation won’t have any executions.

If any other custom field in the automation is deleted, you’ll see it in failed executions.

What happens if I delete a custom date field configured in a date-trigger automation?

The automation won’t run for that item.

What’s the difference between event and date triggers?

  • Event trigger: automation will trigger when an event occurs (e.g., a deal is added, updated, or deleted)

  • Date trigger: automation will trigger when a given date is reached (e.g., activity due date)

Why is my date-triggered automation not working as expected?

There could be some reasons why the automation is not triggering:

  • It’s not active for anyone

  • If it’s active only for the automation owner, the execution starts for the items the automation owner has visibility over

  • If it’s active for the automation owner and other users through the automation sharing option, the execution starts for any supported entities that each of the users it’s active for are owners of

  • The conditions are not met in the timeframe defined (e.g., a date trigger automation is configured to run 90 days after a deal lost date. If there are no lost deals in the last quarter, no executions will appear)

Note: If you’re having issues with date trigger automations, reach out to our support team here.
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