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Deal detail view
Progress bar
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Hover cards

Deal detail view

Yssel Salas, September 13, 2024

Pipedrive's detail view contains all of the information related to that deal, including emails, files, activities, or notes.

Deal detail view

In the deal detail view, you can find information regarding that deal, including deal status and any linked contacts.

Progress bar

In the deal's detail view, you will find the deal progress bar, showing you what pipeline stage the deal is currently at and the number of days it took to complete each stage.

The deal progress bar will allow you to understand the progress of your deal and provide insight into which of your stages may require more attention.

If you wish to track the overall progress of deals throughout your pipeline, we suggest using the deal progress report in the reports section of your progress tab. In your progress section, you can also try out customizable reporting with our Insights feature.

Learn more about deal management


The sidebar in the detail view features the information you have added to your deal. If you are using multiple Marketplace apps in your workflow, our App Panels feature allows you to add specific apps to the sidebar.


The summary is the first section within the sidebar and contains the core details of your deals, such as:

  • Value and products
  • Revenue metrics (if recurring products are added)
  • Label
  • Probability
  • Expected close date
  • The contact person
  • The organization linked to the deal

The summary is always displayed at the top of the sidebar.

Manage sections

To manage the sections of your sidebar, click on the gear icon in the summary.

Here you can reorder the sections with the drag-and-drop function. To reorder the sections, click and hold the handle icon "=".

To show or hide specific sections, click on the toggle next to the section name.


When in the detail view of a deal, you can click on the Changelog function to view any change made to that item, sorted by date.

These changes will also include stage changes, value, label and contact updates, as well as changes to the expected closed date and default and custom field updates.

Hover cards

When you hover over the contact name, organization name, or Pipedrive user in the deal detail view, you will see a popup card containing details related to that item.

  • Deal owner
  • Person


You can easily add or remove followers to deals by clicking on the "Followers" button at the top of the deal detail view.

You can either choose to add a follower or start following.

To remove a follower, hover over the follower name and click on the trash can icon.


Pipedrive's main goal is to help users close their deals through activity-based functions.

Within the Focus section, you will find all activities, email drafts and pinned notes that require your attention to close your deal faster.

You can collapse the Focus section to have quicker access to History.


This section includes all the items that have been added and uploaded to the deal.

You can navigate through the tabs to filter specific items like notes, activities, emails exchanged, files, etc.

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