How can I cancel my paid Pipedrive account?
Cancelling a paid account
You can cancel a paid account by going to your Billing tab and selecting “Cancel my subscription” at the bottom of the page.
The first step lets you review the data in your account and the features it comes with.
At Pipedrive, we understand there are times when you might need to cancel the service. For statistical purposes, submit a reason for leaving.
Then, click ”Continue to cancel“.
The last step in the process is to fill out a brief questionnaire. Your feedback is extremely important to us, as it helps us improve our service and your experience.
Once you fill it out and consent that you’ll lose access to your data, click ”Cancel my plan”.
Cancelling an add-on
To cancel an add-on, click on “Manage add-ons”.
You’ll see a list of the add-ons that are being billed to your account. Click “Remove from plan”.
Once you remove the add-ons, you’ll be able to proceed to the next window “Review purchase”. Then, in the next window, confirm the subscription changes and click “Confirm purchase”.
What happens after you cancel?
Once you have canceled, you‘ll receive an email confirming the cancellation of the subscription.
A yellow banner on top of the page in Pipedrive will confirm you canceled properly. Please follow the above steps and contact support if you don’t receive an email.
We suggest exporting all of your Pipedrive data before closing your account. If you want to reopen your account again before it’s permanently deleted, you can simply import your data back into Pipedrive.
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