Importing followers and participants
When working with deals, you may want to add followers or participants in bulk to save you the time it takes to add them manually. Both participants and followers can be added to your account by importing spreadsheets.
Importing followers
You can add followers to your contact people, organizations, deals and products in bulk by importing spreadsheets, allowing you to save time rather than adding them manually. First, you will need to filter for item title or name, and their Pipedrive System IDs, so that duplicates won't be formed when importing. Learn more about how to use the Pipedrive System ID feature in this article.
In this example, deal title, deal ID, person name and person ID are being added to the list view. This will allow for followers to be added to these people and deals in bulk.

You can then export the list to a spreadsheet. When updating your spreadsheet, add a column for your followers. If you would like to add more than one you can add them to the same cell separated with commas “,". Here is an example of how your spreadsheet would look.

When importing your spreadsheet, you can map your columns to the “Followers" option of your Pipedrive data fields.

Click on the pencil icon in order to map your followers, making sure that you select the correct user in your account that should be added as a follower of the item.

After running your import, the followers should be visible in the item's detail view.

Importing participants
Importing participants can only be done by updating existing deals in your account. To import participants, you will first have to export a file with the deal Pipedrive System ID for any deals you wish to update and add the participant information before reimporting the spreadsheet. You can read this article for more information on how to use the Pipedrive System ID to update items.
When creating your spreadsheet, you will need to add individual rows for each of the participants you wish to add.
Here is an example of how the spreadsheet would look.

When mapping the import, make sure to map the Pipedrive System ID field for your deal. The participant columns in your spreadsheet will be mapped to the contact name fields in Pipedrive.

In the detail view after you have run the import, your participants will appear in the deal detail view. Although Harry Potter was not in the spreadsheet, as he was the deal's original contact person, he will still be a deal participant after the import is complete.

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