Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base/Billing/Invoices/Adding my VAT, ABN, o...

Adding my VAT, ABN, or GST number to Pipedrive

Breandan Flood, November 13, 2024
Note: This action is only available to users with billing access set up through User Management.

Depending on your country's billing address you have the possibility to enter your tax ID to reflect on your invoices.

To add or update your tax ID in your account, go to your Billing tab and select the pencil icon in the Billing details section.

Scroll down to the Address section and fill in the tax number field that appears there.

Note: Keep in mind that you cannot change your VAT, ABN, or GST number retroactively for previous Pipedrive invoices.


If you have a European billing address, you will have the possibility to add your VAT number.



If you have an Australian billing address, you will have the possibility to add your ABN.



In some other countries such as Norway, Turkey, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and New Zealand, you will also have the possibility to add your tax ID number to your account.

If your VAT or ABN number is not being accepted but you have checked it against official records (VAT check and ABN check), please contact support for further assistance.
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