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Knowledge Base/Progress/Insights reporting/Exporting data from I...

Exporting data from Insights

Breandan Flood, November 13, 2024
Note: Only users with global admin permissions enabled can export data. Regular users can share dashboard externally if they have the ”Share Insights dashboards as public links“ permission enabled.

When using the Insights feature you can export data in a couple of different ways.

Exporting charts

Note: Charts can be exported in PDF or PNG format. Any changes to a report, dashboard or goals must be saved before they‘re exported.

Charts can be exported from your reports, goals and dashboards.

Exporting reports

Open a report and on the top right of your visual builder and click ”Export.“

Your report will appear like this after it’s exported.

Exporting dashboards

Select a dashboard and click “Export.“

Your dashboard will appear like this after it’s exported.

Exporting goals

Select a goal and click “Export.“

Your goal sheet will look like this after it’s exported.

Note: Time stamps at the bottom of the page reflect the time the export was completed.

Exporting data to spreadsheets

The data in a report can be exported to a spreadsheet by scrolling down to the table view and clicking ”Export.“

You can choose between XLSX and CSV as the file type for your export, then click ”Download“ to save the spreadsheet to your device.

Exporting single data points

You can also export individual data points from a report. To do so, click on one of the columns in your report.

This will open a table view of the data within that column, where you can click ”Export results“ to create a spreadsheet of that data.

Note: You can use the gear icon to edit which fields are represented in the table before exporting it. This won’t affect the visible fields in your report’s table view.
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