What are the accepted payment methods for Pipedrive?
Payment Methods
You can pay for Pipedrive using a credit card, debit card, direct debit, or through a valid Paypal account. Users in Europe can use direct debit to pay. Users in Brazil can pay with a local credit card.
To start paying for Pipedrive, go to Billing > Billing details and click the pencil icon.

Paying with a credit or debit card
In US dollars or Euro, we accept payment through all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and JCB. Customers with a billing address in North America can also pay with Diner's Club credit cards.
In British pounds, we accept payment through all major credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diner's Club and JCB.
Pipedrive also accepts major debit cards as a payment method.

Paying with Paypal
To pay for Pipedrive using PayPal, you will first require a PayPal account. If you don't have a PayPal account, go to PayPal to sign up for free. If you already have a PayPal account, follow the directions below:
Under "Payment method", select "PayPal" and click "Check out with PayPal". You will then be directed to Pipedrive's PayPal checkout in a new tab. Log in to your PayPal account and select "Agree and continue".

Once you've completed the checkout flow, you will be taken back to your billing details page in Pipedrive with a success message showing your selected plan and the date of the first collection. A preapproved payment will be created in your PayPal account for collection on a recurring subscription.
Direct Debit (SEPA)
Users from select European countries can use Direct Debit to pay for Pipedrive. If Direct Debit is selected, you will need to review and agree to the direct debit mandate when reviewing your purchase.

Paying with A Local Credit Card (Brazil)
Brazilian customers can pay for Pipedrive with local credit cards. You can learn more about this method in this article.

The currency for paying your Pipedrive invoice is determined by your location. The currencies available are US dollars, British pounds and Euros.
Pipedrive customers based in all European countries (excluding the UK) and in Russia are charged in Euro, with UK customers being charged in British pounds. Customers in Turkey are also charged in Euros.
Pipedrive customers in all other locations are charged in US dollars.
Changing my payment method
Your payment method can be updated by going to your Billing tab and selecting the pencil icon in the Billing details section.

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