Can I be in multiple Pipedrive company accounts?
Note: Any unique email address can only be used to create an account once.
In Pipedrive, you can be a user in multiple companies at the same time and alternate between accounts seamlessly.
The switch company button
To access the “Switch company” option, you need to have an existing Pipedrive account and be invited to another one.

If you’re a user on a single account, the “Switch company” button will not be visible.
Note: Please contact our support team if you’re a user on two accounts but unable to switch between them.
Will data be shared between multiple accounts?
Note: There is no automatic way to sync or share data across multiple accounts.
No data is shared between different Pipedrive company accounts.
If you need data from one account to exist in another:
- Go to Tools and apps > Export Data,
- Export the data you need from that account
- Import the data into the other account
Note: Billing is handled separately for each company account, but you can use the same credit card for all accounts.
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