
Tudástár/Email/Email sync/Group emailing

Group emailing

Jenny Takahara, November 13, 2024
Note: The group emailing feature is only available on Advanced and higher plans.

In business communications, it can be prudent to send the same email to multiple recipients. With the group emailing feature in Pipedrive, you can do exactly that.

To use the group emailing feature, you need the following:

Note: If you’re just getting started with Pipedrive, you can check out our automate manual work and save time Pipedrive Academy course.

How to send group emails

Note: Learn more about the list view in this article.

The group emailing function is available in the following places in Pipedrive:

  • The list view of the leads tab
  • The list view of the deals tab
  • The list view of the people tab
  • The list view of the activities tab
  • The contacts timeline view of the contacts tab

Once multiple contacts are selected in any of the places listed above, you can click the “Send group email” button to send a specific email to all selected or linked contacts at once.

Note: You can select up to one hundred contacts when group emailing. If you need to email more recipients, repeat the process as often as necessary.

You’ll need to provide relevant details about the email being sent to that group of contacts.

  • Recipients – The contacts chosen before clicking the “Send group email” button will appear in this column. In this area, you can also search for and add additional contacts.
  • Email template – You can select a template to send a previously-constructed email. Learn more about email templates in this article.
  • Visibility – Emails can be set to appear as visible to other Pipedrive users based on visibility permissions, or set as private. Learn more about visibility in this article.

Once you have provided those details, click the “Send Message” button to send those emails.

Note: There will be a 30-second delay when sending group emails or emails scheduled at the same time, to prevent them from being blocked by your provider.

Viewing your sent emails

Note: The status of the email can be “Queued,” “Sending,” or “Sent.”

You can go to the Outbox section of the email tab to view your pending emails, or the Sent section to see your sent emails.

In the outbox section of the email tab, you’ll be shown the recipient(s), email subject, visibility and status of that specific email.

Once an email has been sent, it won’t be available in the outbox section of the email tab.

Instead, those emails will be viewable in the sent section.

How to use filters when sending group emails

Note: Sending multiple group email batches in succession can slow down web app functions, as well as email sending. If you experience delays, allow the app time to process the existing email requests.

To filter out the contacts you’ve already emailed, go to the people list view, click the dropdown menu in the top right corner, and select Add new filter.”

Once there, you have a couple of options for filters.

You can use the last email received filter to remove any contacts that have received emails from you within a specified time frame:

Note: In the example, the date is filtered for today, but this can be adjusted as needed.

You can also use the email messages count filter.

For example, if you have a brand new list of contacts to email, you can set the filter to email messages count > is > zero.

This will show only contacts who have never had an email sent to them.

With either filter, as soon as a contact is sent an email, they will be removed from the filtered list.

Note: Filtered lists do not always respond immediately to changes in data, such as emails being sent. If you do not see your contact list changing in accordance with the filter conditions, please refresh your web page and allow for time to process. If this persists, please clear your browser cache and contact our support team.
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