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Insights reports: deal duration

Breandan Flood, November 13, 2024
Note: The number of Insights reports you can have depends on which plan you‘re on. You can learn more about usage limits in this article.

Pipedrive’s Insights deal duration report shows the average time it takes a deal to make it through your pipeline.

This information lets your team see where your sales are slowing down, so you can make improvements and speed up your sales process.

Creating your deal duration report

To create a deal duration report, go to Insights and click “+“ > Deal > Duration.

Viewing your deal duration report

Note: The deal duration report is always measured in days.

The duration report has the following filter conditions by default.

  • Deal created > is > this year
  • Pipeline > is > [your default pipeline]
  • Status > is any of > lost or won

However, you can always adjust the filters to reflect the data you want to see.

Note: It‘s recommended you view results by won or lost deals, but you can also add open deals to your filter conditions. For a detailed guide to filtering your data, check out this article.
Note: When a deal is marked as won before reaching the end of the pipeline, all stages will be considered for that deal in the report. The average duration for each stage is calculated based on the time the deal spent on the stage and divided by the total number of deals.

Average sales cycle

Note: This calculation does not take into account the time spent in stages that are now deleted.

At the top of the report, you’ll see the average time it takes for a deal to go through your sales cycle.

This number is calculated by dividing the total amount of time your deals have spent in all stages by the total number of deals generated by your filter.

Report columns

Note: The default view by field is Stage entered.

The columns in the report reflect the breakdown of your average sales cycle by days according to what you’ve selected to view on the X-axis.

By hovering over a column in the graph, you’ll see the number of deals contributing to each stage's average time.

Table view

At the bottom of the page, you also have a table containing a breakdown of the deals displayed in the report along with the information from their respective fields.

Note: Click the gear icon in the top right corner to adjust the table view columns.

Customizing your deal duration report

Note: If the report includes open deals from filters, the graph will show the average time in stage. If the report doesn’t include open deals from filters, the graph will show the average time in pipeline.

The data you see in your report can be adjusted using two different methods.


You can edit the existing filters or click the ”+“ to add an additional condition.

You can also hover your cursor over a condition and click the trash can icon to remove it.

Report columns

In your report, the view by option (X-axis) will have Stage entered selected by default, but you can choose to view your report by various default Pipedrive fields as well as any custom fields of the following types:

  • Users
  • Date
  • Single option
  • Multiple option
  • Organization
  • Person

For example, here the report columns are being viewed by the linked contact person.

Once you’ve finished creating your report, you can add it to your dashboard or share it with your team.

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