Knowledge Base

Where to find the Sales Assistant
Tip cards
Curating tip cards
Email Tracking Notifications
AI Sales Assistant (AISA)
Next best action
Better opportunity

Sales Assistant

Jenny Takahara, April 17, 2024

The Sales Assistant is an innovative feature in Pipedrive that analyzes your sales process and offers customized advice on how to get the most out of your Pipedrive account.

It also provides notifications about new assignments, deal progress or changes to items you own.

Note: To learn more about managing and receiving notifications in the Sales Assistant, check out this article.

Where to find the Sales Assistant

You can open your Sales Assistant panel by clicking the lightbulb in the top right corner:

Scroll to the bottom of the Sales Assistant and click “All notifications” to open the notifications section of your User Overview.

Tip cards

Note: Sales Assistant tips only appear under specific conditions. If you’re not seeing these pop-ups and you’ve been using your account for at least a few weeks, please contact our support team.

The Sales Assistant tool provides relevant, actionable tips and tailored recommendations to improve your sales process, including:

  • Best next actions and deal reminders

Stay informed about deals that need your attention and what the best next steps are.

  • Intelligent tips to boost sales velocity

Stop deals from being forgotten in your pipelines, and get the most out of your opportunities.

  • Data for monitoring progress and driving results

Monitor the data and results for both you and your team to ensure everyone is performing at their best.

  • Actionable insights at your fingertips

Sales Assistant offers data that can be translated into actions to improve your rate of success.

  • Usable company-wide data

You will see information not just about yourself but also about the company as a whole and how goals are being met.

Curating tip cards

The Sales Assistant is designed to give you helpful account data and reminders, as well as data and reminders specifically helpful for you.

That’s why you can use the thumbs up and thumbs down options on any tip card to “like” or “dislike” it.

  • If you “like” a card, the Sales Assistant will remember to show you that card and any ones that you like more frequently.
  • If you “dislike” a card, it will make sure not to show you cards like that in the future.

Email Tracking Notifications

Sales Assistant also offers email tracking notifications, so you're always aware of your customer's activities.

These notifications alert you whenever a customer opens an email or clicks on a link. By having this information, you can:

  • Know exactly when to follow up and engage with your prospects, ensuring timely and impactful communication.

  • Tailor your approach based on the customer’s interaction with the emails. (ex. If they click on a particular link, you can initiate a conversation around that topic.)

Note: For more information about the notification options in the Sales Assistant, check out this article.

AI Sales Assistant (AISA)

Note: This feature is only available on Professional and higher plans.

This AI-powered feature continuously analyzes your deals, contacts and emails to extract valuable insights and suggest strategies for enhancing your sales success.

The AI Sales Assistant will boost your productivity by sending you notifications about critical metrics to monitor and suggestions to prioritize activities for you and your team.

Next best action

The next best action card for a deal is displayed only if the deal probability chance is estimated to be Fair or High.

The card will suggest a specific action to take as the next best step – a phone call, an email or a demo meeting.

Better opportunity

This card displays a deal that matches the attributes of past won deals and will bring it to your attention using the estimated opportunity meter.

This encourages you to focus on deals that you’re more likely to win.

You can read more about AI Sales Assistant in our blog.

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