Knowledge Base


Yssel Salas, March 20, 2025
Note: This feature is only available on Advanced and higher plans. This article features the most recent version of our automation feature which may differ from the one in your account. If you don’t have the most up-to-date version and would like to use it, please contact our support team.


Note: Only global admin users in Pipedrive may create automations unless that permission has been enabled for other users’ permission set in the company Pipedrive account. Learn more about permission sets in this article.

If you find yourself repeating the same administrative tasks in Pipedrive – scheduling the same activity after a deal has been moved to a specific stage in your pipeline – then it might be in your company’s interest to automate those tasks, so you can concentrate on the important things that make your business thrive.

Automations in Pipedrive are made up of two parts – a trigger event and an action event.

  • The trigger event is the “if” portion of an if-then equation: Before the automation occurs, this programmed action needs to occur.
    This can be the creation, updating, or deletion of a person, organization, activity, or deal in Pipedrive.
  • The action event is the “then” part of an if-then equation: Once the trigger event has occurred, this is the action you wish to take place.
    This can be the creation, updating, or deletion of a person, organization, activity, or deal in Pipedrive, or the sending of an email from the email address synced to your Pipedrive account.
Note: Importing data into your Pipedrive account does not trigger any actions within automations, except imports that update or delete leads.

Creating an automation

Note: For an in-depth visual guide into the automation tool, check out our weekly webinar.

To access the automation feature, click on the “... (more) tab > Automations.

To begin creating an automation, click the + Automation” button at the top right of the automation page.

Note: The automation name can be up to 120 characters long. The automation description can be 200 characters long.

To begin designing your automation, click the “Add trigger” button. You’ll see a sidebar where you can choose the item and event that will trigger your automation.

When configuring your trigger, you can choose between six options – deal, person, activity, lead, organization, and project – with three options of what event relating to that item will trigger the automation – creation, updating, or deletion.

Once you have chosen the trigger type and the trigger event, click the “Apply trigger” button.

With the trigger event in place, you’ll then have the option to apply a condition (or conditions) to your trigger. Here, you can define under what circumstances your automation will trigger.

After saving your condition, click on the plus sign “+“ to choose your next step. This can be another condition or your action event.

When defining your action, you can choose between default options – person, organization, lead, deal, activity, email, notes, campaigns, projects and webhooks– as well as integrations – Slack, Microsoft Teams, Trello and Asana. You’re able to choose action types that are specific to each option.

Note: Automations set up to create a new deal will fail at that step if you’re at your open deal limit. The automation won’t resume if this deal is created later manually or through an upload. Learn more about usage limits in this article.

You can add multiple actions to your automation, and they’ll always be executed from the top and work down the list. For example, step 3 will only be executed after step 2 is done.

However, note that automations will check only once if the condition for every triggered action is met unless you use the wait until event condition. If a condition of a specific action is not met, the action won’t be executed and the system won’t execute the next step.

Here, you can see how to set up an automation that moves your new deal to a different pipeline depending on the deal owner.

Note: When choosing to send an email as an action event in your automation, the action event will only be able to use the email address synced to Pipedrive via the email sync feature. No other email address or account can be used for the purposes of automation.
Note: If you set a trigger to create an activity and don’t set a date for that activity action, it will be set for the same day as the activity action. To schedule an activity to be due in the future, choose options like “In one day” or “next Tuesday” for due dates that are relative to when the action was triggered.

To specify which users are allowed to trigger this automation, check the option at the top of the automation and select which option you would prefer.

Note: You can set up an automation that sends out emails to be triggered by any user in your account through the email sync feature. However, the email will always be sent from the user who created the automation. If you want to trigger an email from your own email address, you’ll have to set up your own automation.

Once you have made all of your choices and designed your automation, click the Save” button to finalize your automation.

Once you save your automation, it will be listed on the automation list view.

Automation list view

You may also view all of your created automations along with the automations that have been created for the entire company’s Pipedrive account, sort by updated time and apply filters.

You may edit, delete, or mark automations as active or inactive. If an automation is marked as inactive, the trigger and action functions won’t occur.

Inactive automations are grayed out to allow you to quickly understand which automations are currently active in your Pipedrive account.

Learn more about the automation list view in this article.

Transfer automations

Whether a user is leaving the company or just taking time off, another user may need access to their automations to troubleshoot or assign them to someone else. This can be done by transferring existing automations.

Users and permissions

Only the following types of users are able to transfer automations:

  • Global app admin users can transfer any automation to themselves or to any other global app admins
  • Deals app admin users and global regular users with the permission ”Add automations” can transfer their own automations to global app admins

Transfer ownership

Single transfer

Open the automation preview. When hovering over the owner’s name on the left, click the pencil icon, or click ”...” on the right and “Transfer ownership.”

Bulk transfer

On the list view, click ”Select multiple” on the right-hand side of your screen and mark the checkboxes of the automations you want to transfer.

Then, click “Transfer ownership”.

When clicking on “Transfer ownership” you must select the user to whom you want to transfer the automation.

Before finishing the transfer, you’ll see a disclaimer with a list of events that will happen once the automation is transferred. The events in the disclaimer may vary depending on the automation steps (for example, if there are pending executions active, if an integration is installed and used in an automation).

Make sure to read this disclaimer carefully before proceeding.

In the disclaimer prompt you’re able to cancel pending executions for that automation. If you check the box, any pending executions will be canceled and not executed. E.g., if the automation is configured to send an email 5 days after a trigger and those executions are still in progress, they’ll be canceled and the email won’t be sent.

Note: If you choose not to cancel any pending executions, the automations will continue to run and the owner of the execution before the transfer will be able to see the executions for automation in their history tab.

Once the automation is transferred, it will appear in the list view of automations of the receiving owner. The automation is transferred in an inactive state, so the receiving owner is able to review the automation and do any troubleshooting if required.

The automation will have a transferred label added to indicate that it has been transferred.

Note: The transferred label will disappear from the automation after three days.

The receiving owner is now able to configure the automation – including editing and activation.

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