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Where to find the Insights feature
Visibility and permissions
Supported fields
Updating existing reports

Insights feature

Jenny Takahara, August 5, 2024
Note: The number of Insights reports you can create depends on your plan. Learn more about usage limits in this article.

Keeping track of your progress is one of the most important parts of sales. Pipedrive’s Insights feature lets you create custom reports, dashboards and goals so you know exactly what you’ve accomplished so far and what still needs to be done.

There are three sections to the Insights feature:

  • Reports give a visual representation of data in your account based on selected filters
  • Dashboards – display your reports and goals in one window so you have all your desired Insights data in one place
  • Goals – let you project your desired outcomes in a chart where you can see and track them
Note: If you’re new to Pipedrive, check out our “Getting started with Pipedrive“ Academy course.

Where to find the Insights feature

Note: If you don’t see the Insights icon on your left–side margin, check your interface preferences to make sure it’s supposed to be visible there.

You can find the Insights feature by clicking the icon on the left-side margin.

Visibility and permissions

Note: Currently, there are no visibility groups for viewing items in Insights. When you set a user’s visibility for any item (leads, deals, people, organizations or products), that rule applies to their Insights as well.

Users with deals admin access have full visibility of all deals and leads regardless of the visibility group setting. Likewise, users with global admin access have full visibility of all person, organization and product data regardless of the visibility group option.

However, you can adjust the permissions for global regular users by going to Manage users > Permission sets > Global features permission sets.

  • See company’s stats in Insights Access the whole company’s stats in Insights, regardless of the user’s access to specific items. Requires “See other users’ data to be enabled as well.
  • See other users’ stats in Insights Access to other users’ stats in Insights, regardless of the user’s access to specific items. Requires See other users’ data and See company’s stats in Insights to be enabled as well.
Note: Learn more about visibility and permissions in Insights in this article.


To create a report, go to Insights, click “+“ > Report and select one of the options there.

The reports you can create depend on which plan you’re on.

Report nameCategoryMinimum required plan
Activities performanceActivityEssential
Emails performanceActivityEssential
Subscription revenueForecast and subscriptionAdvanced
Revenue forecastForecast and subscriptionProfessional

Learn more about sales forecasting

If you have the Campaigns add-on, you can also create the following reports:

Once you’ve created and customized your report, click the “Save“ button in the top-right corner to name your report and add it to a dashboard.

Supported fields

Note: Only Professional and higher plans can use deal custom fields for filtering and building reports in the visual builder (measure by, group by, segment by fields). All users can use deal custom fields in the table view.

The supported deal default and custom fields in Insights are:

Deal field type
Visual Builder
Multiple options
Single option
Monetary (including weighted value, deal value and product value)

⚠️ Only deal value is supported

ID (team, pipeline, stage, status, lost reasons)
Numeric (including number of products)✔️✔️✔️
Large text✔️✔️✔️
Date range✔️
Text field
Time range
View by
: Title only
Measure by
: Product value, Number of products

⚠️ Not available in Segment by dropdown

Note: Multiple option fields can‘t be used to segment reports. Learn more about custom field types and data fields in this article.

Updating existing reports

After you’ve created a report, you can go back in and make changes any time you want. After you’ve made your changes, you can either:

  • Discard changes – reset the report back to the previous state
  • Save as new – create a new report with the changes
  • Save – save the changes to the existing report

To add an existing report to a dashboard, open the report, click “Add to dashboard“ and select your desired dashboard.

Note: You can display each report on one, multiple or no dashboards.

To rename your existing report, just click on the report title to activate the edit mode. Hit enter on your keyboard to save the changes.

To delete or duplicate your existing report, click the “...“ button and select the desired option.

Note: Reports may not always show real-time data since the update time depends on the company size and data load.


Note: Only Professional and higher users and up can create additional dashboards. If you have multiple teams in your organization and wish to track different metrics for each, we suggest creating multiple dashboards and customizing them based on your needs.

If you want to add another dashboard, go to Insights and click ”+“ > Dashboard.

You can easily add custom reports to your dashboard by dragging a report from the Reports panel into your dashboard.

You can also share your dashboard with anyone by sending them a shareable public link that grants view-only access to your dashboard.

If you create an external link to share, you can change the update intervals so the data only updates when you want it to.

You can only make changes to update intervals if you created the dashboard link and you’re viewing it in the same browser it was copied from.

Other users will see the default interval of one hour.

Note: Learn more about creating and customizing your dashboards in this article.


Note: For more information about the Goals feature in Pipedrive, check out this article.

To create a new goal, go to your Insights, click ”+“ > Goal and choose one of the options available.

You can choose from any of the following options:

  • Deal (Added, Progressed, Won)
  • Activity (Added, Completed)
  • Forecast (Revenue forecast)

After you’ve saved your goal, you can add it to your dashboard by dragging it or clicking “Add to Dashboard“ in the editor.

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