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Pipedrive integration: Xero

Breandan Flood, November 13, 2024
Note: This Pipedrive integration is currently unavailable for new users. This feature is only available to advisor and standard user roles in Xero. To provide an extra layer of security, this app can only be used when you have single sign on (SSO) or two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled in Pipedrive.

With the Pipedrive–Xero integration app, you can create invoices from the deal detail view and seamlessly send them over to your Xero account without the hassle of copying and pasting data between the two tools.

How can I enable the Xero integration?

Before you may begin to utilize the benefits of this integration, you will need to connect your Xero account to your Pipedrive company account.

To begin, go to the detail view of any Pipedrive deal, and click the "Create invoice" tab. Once there, click on the "View on Marketplace" button and proceed to the Pipedrive Marketplace.
Alternatively, you may go to Tools and apps > Invoicing and find the Xero integration from the list of apps there.

invoicing integration

Once you have found the Xero integration, click "Install now" and provide the login credentials to your Xero account. Uninstalling the app can be found under Tools and apps > Marketplace apps.

Once your valid Xero login credentials have been confirmed, you will be directed back to Pipedrive to program your preferences for your Xero integration.


When programming your Xero integration, you will need to choose which Pipedrive fields populate the invoice fields set by Xero and when your invoices will be marked as due for your customers.

  • To – This field is for who you want to address the invoice to. As invoices are typically paid by the accounts payable department of a company, we suggest using Pipedrive's Organization - Name field. You can also choose from other Organization, People contact and Deal fields.
  • Address – This field is for the physical address of the invoice's recipient. Since invoices are typically paid by the accounts payable department of a company, we suggest using Pipedrive's Organization - Address field. You can also choose from other Organization, People contact and Deal fields.
  • Email –This field is the email address of the recipient of the invoice. As the email field in Pipedrive is a person-type field, we suggest utilizing Pipedrive's Person - Email field. You can also choose from other Organization, People contact and Deal fields.
  • Customer tax ID –Not all invoices require this information, but if you have created a custom field in Pipedrive to hold your customer's tax ID information, we suggest applying that field here.
  • Due date – Here, you can set up the due date of the payment. For example, if the due date is set for seven days after the issue date, an invoice created on March 13th will have a due date of March 20th.

Once you are satisfied with your choices for the Pipedrive fields to populate your Xero invoices, click the "Save" button to save your integration preferences for your company's Pipedrive account.

How can I use the Xero integration?

Once you've provided permission for Xero and Pipedrive to interact and have programmed your integration preferences, the Create invoice button in the Detail view of any deal will give you the detailed prompt to generate a Xero invoice for your customers.

create invoice xero

You will be prompted to fill out the details of your invoice. The information added here will be sent to your Xero account when the invoice is saved.

  • The Customer details will be filled based on the fields chosen when the invoice preferences were defined when the Xero integration was initially set up.
  • The Invoice details need to be filled out based on your company's needs. For example, if you would like to adjust the tax functions of this invoice, which currency should be used in this invoice or any Xero invoice templates you would like to use.
  • The Invoice items are the specific line items – like goods or services – that make up the charges in your invoice. This will automatically populate with the products that are linked to your deal. Learn more about how to add products to your deals here. You can also add more items to your list.
Note: Once products linked to the deal have populated your Invoice Items section, you will need to link each one to an existing product in your Xero account. There will be a yield icon next to your item until it is successfully linked. If you are using our products feature for your invoice items, we recommend making sure your products list is up to date. If you are not using our products feature, you can search and link to your products in Xero directly in the create invoice window.
create invoice modal

Under Customer details, you will need to link the invoice to an existing customer in your Xero account or create a new one.

link to xero customer

Once a contact is linked, you will have the option to Update customer info on the provider's side. If you have this enabled, the information added under Address, Email, and Tax ID will be pulled into Xero if it is different.

Click on the "Create invoice" button once you've entered all of your invoice details.

Viewing your invoices

submit invoice for approval

When an invoice has been saved as a draft, you will notice the invoice status appear, alerting you that this invoice is currently in DRAFT mode.
Invoices will continue to be a draft until it is either deleted or approved in Xero.

Note: Once the integration with Xero has been enabled, the invoices generated from Pipedrive will appear in the detail view of the associated deal. Invoices created prior to the enabling of the integration – and invoices generated outside of Pipedrive – will not appear within Pipedrive.

Depending on the permissions set in the associated Xero account, you may need to submit a drafted invoice for approval. Once submitted, that invoice can be approved from within Xero by the appropriate users in that Xero account.

Note: If you have permission to approve invoices in Xero, you will be able to see the Approve option under each invoice in Pipedrive.


Once the invoice has been approved in Xero, the status of the invoice will change in Pipedrive based on the updates made in the associated Xero account. For reference, there are six statuses to consider when looking at a deal's invoice in Pipedrive:

  • Draft
  • Awaiting approval
  • Awaiting payment
  • Paid
  • Voided
  • Deleted
pending invoice

If you click on More "...", you will have these options:

  • Void – Void any unpaid or paid invoices. Voided invoices cannot be unvoided.
  • Send by email – Send any paid or due invoices directly to your customer. Invoices sent by email will be emailed from Xero.
  • Download PDF – Download a PDF version of your invoice to send to your clients directly
  • Open in Xero – Clicking this option will bring you to your Xero account where you can edit, send your invoice, and accept payment.

Detail view sidebar

Your invoice history will also be added to the detail view's sidebar. Here you can refresh to bring in any new updates from Xero, or click on More ("...") to go to settings or unlink your contact.

invoices sidebar

Click on "View all invoices" to view more details on all of the linked invoices filtered by a customizable time frame. You will be able to see all of the invoices that are related to the linked contact shown and be able to link and unlink those invoices to the deal you are currently viewing.

invoices sidebar expanded

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