Bulk-editing and filtering
The list view lets you see your data in a standard, spreadsheet format and includes filtering and editing options.

You can open the bulk-editing menu in your list view by selecting multiple items.

Choose one of the dropdown bars and select “Edit current value” to select a new value for the selected items.

After you‘ve selected your new value, click ”Edit” in the bottom right corner to confirm the changes.

Additional bulk actions
While the bulk-editing menu lets you change field values, there are other actions available in bulk via the list view.
You can send a group email by selecting multiple items in your lead, deal, contact or activity list view.

In your deal list view or Leads Inbox, you can convert deals into leads or vice-versa in bulk.

In your Leads Inbox, you can select multiple leads and archive or unarchive them.

Attaching products
In your products list view, you can select multiple products and add them to a deal.

From any list view, you can view the filters menu by clicking the dropdown in the top right corner.

Each list view has filters for owners, and some (ex. deals) include premade filters.

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